Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Creative Writing

So I decided that if I'm going to be a blogger again I might as well post what I've been doing and a lot of that is writing short stories or creative non fiction. So I'm going to be posting those things and I want you guys to comment and say how I can improve them.  Here are some silly poems:

If I Ruled the World
If I could rule the world and change anything I wanted,
Here’s a list of the things I would change;

No one would have the option of lying when it comes to romantic interests,
This would make dating a lot simpler;
“I like you. Would you like to go out on a date?”
“No thank you. I don’t like you that way”
The dance of sparing feelings is completely irrelevant here. 
Little boys would start school at age 7 and we’d all go for only 10 years instead of 12
Boys’ brains are not developmentally mature enough to sit still for hours to
Learn to read and write when they’re five years old
I’m only thinking of them.

No colleges would make their students pay an arm and a leg to attend or even apply
I mean how stupid is that?
“Before you have earned any real money that a college education will give you the ability to earn,
We’re going to make you pay your entire life saving to apply to a million schools
That will reject you anyway”
It’s all online anyways
Same with the ACTs, SATs and AP tests
That’s all I have to say about that.

There would be no such thing as slow internet
I mean seriously, why do we pay that much in rent anyway?
I’ve calculated it and my apartment alone pays about $6,000 in rent every semester
Utilities for one apartment is NOT that much for three months
I mean, we even clean the place for heaven’s sake!

A work place cannot deny a person the privilege to work the because
They “don’t need to have previous work experience“
One can’t get work experience if no one will hire them for their lack of experience

You should not be allowed to sign up for more than 14 credits
Any more credits just result in frustration, tears, and retaking the class anyway.

A majority of the homework assigned should be enjoyable
This way I don’t want to beat my brains out every evening
We basically don’t need anything that we do outside of class anyway if we take good notes
Why not make this necessity as painless as possible?

There should only be literature that is enjoyable to read thus textbooks do not exist
I mean seriously, if we could choose a way to spend time it’s not going to be spent
Struggling over text that doesn’t matter in the real world.

Sadly, I do not control the world
Therefore necessary tasks are confusing and frequently miserable
Creating a hatred for everyday tasks.

On this Halloween,
Black cats will be seen
Those pumpkins will gleam
And witches shall scream.
But don’t make a scene
Though you might turn white
It’s all out of fright
For you’re on edge tonight.

To Daddy
To my daddy dear,
Who I dearly wish was near,
You will always have my heart
Even when I want to start
My very own family
You’ll still important be
Because my kids shall know
How much I love you so
Though there may come a day
When you may give me away
To a man who loves me so
I must make you know
That I’ll always and forever be
You’re precious and beloved Devree. 

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