Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Games

For this assignment I was supposed to write the same kind of scene from two different points of view. Here are the results. This is actually and excerpt from a larger story. If you’re curious about it just comment and ask.

3rd person Omniscient
As Lil raced through the simulator for the fiftieth and final lap of this session all she could think about was Emmi and getting her better. Emmi had been sick for several months but she was even sweeter than before. She felt really conflicted about Lil spending all her time training and working out for her. Emmi was sad that that Lil didn’t have much of a life anymore but touched that she would do that for her. Lil thought she was the only person concerned about Emmi and that no one else cared enough to be in the games but she was wrong. When Kat took the casserole out of the oven a tear fell from her eye as she thought about Emmi and how Lil training every waking moment, hardly ever taking a rest trying to save our favorite little girl was ruining her relationships with people. Begrudgingly Kat called Lil to dinner knowing there was an argument waiting for her.

Stream of Consciousness
It’s for Emmi. It’s all for Emmi. Just over that log and this lap is over. Then I can rest. Come closer little log! I need to cross you for Emmi! I have to make it to the end so I can win the games for Emmi. I have to win the medicine to make her better. She shouldn’t be in that bed anymore. She should be out dancing and playing like the other kids her age. What? Why did the simulator turn off? Ugh, stupid Kat. Why doesn’t she understand that winning the games is more important than eating dinner? I was almost done too! Well I’ll have to do twenty drop sets to make up for that time I just lost. Fine I’ll go eat a few bites then I’m back training. I have to do some burpees, deadlifts, and dips before going to bed. I have to win this thing. I have to get Emmi better. No one else is trying to.

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