Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Carnival

The Carnival
The sun was disappearing into the hills surrounding the valley. Rosie felt chilled as the intense August heat vanished with the sun. The carnival rides started to become illuminated with only the lights that abundantly adorn them. It would be like Christmas if not for all the unnerving shadows cast by the oblivious passerby. Rosie had no reason to be afraid of the dark, she was nearly an adult. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone somewhere was watching her… Oh, where IS Tad? Maybe coming to the End-of-the-Summer carnival for a first date wasn’t a good idea after all. Especially if your date ditches you to check out some chicks even though he said he was getting some cotton candy. It doesn’t take half an hour to get cotton candy. Another chill ran down Rosie’s back as that being-watched feeling came back. She pushed her short dark hair behind her ear before rubbing her goosebump covered arms.
            “BOO!” Rosie spun around, green eyes wide.
            “Oh, Rob!” Rosie exclaimed in a disapproving tone but mentally sighing in relief. Rob was a tall, gangly kid with dirty blonde hair and lots of freckles who lived down the street from Rosie. They’ve known each other forever and treated one another like siblings. “What are you doing here?”
            “You know that everybody who’s anyone in our town comes to this! It is the last hoorah of summer! Also, a little birdy told me that you’d be here with that tool Tad Drayton. Where is he by the way?”
            “Be nice! He just so happens to be getting us some cotton candy.”
            “Mmhmm. My spidey sense tells me you’re lying.”
            “It’s true. That’s exactly what he told me when some scantily dressed chick made his eyes pop out of his head.”
            “Haha! That sounds like the Tad I know. Come on, let’s go have fun. Hell will freeze over before Tad remembers he actually brought a date to this.” Although it kind of stung to be forgotten by her date Rosie knew what she was getting into when she agreed to go out with Tad. Plus, she felt safe with Rob, like nothing could touch her. Although he didn’t look like much he was well trained in the art of Jujitsu.
            “Deal. Bet you’ll get queasy before me on the Tilt-a-Whirl!” Rosie said starting to jog toward the ride.
            “That’s not even fair! You know I have a weak stomach!” Rob shouted after her.
            After several rides Rob was walking with his arm around Rosie as they joked about a super enthusiastic ride conductor. With the darkened sky they hadn’t noticed the clouds rolling in until a raindrop fell on Rosie’s cheek. Knowing about the impending downpour they both looked around frantically for some shelter. Rosie Pointed toward the parking lot which was about a hundred yards off and Rob pointed toward the Tunnel of Love ride that was only 20 yards away. Rosie raised an eyebrow but the downpour had started so they booked it to the tunnel. They paid their respective tickets and got in the boat.
Their boat slowly meandered towards the tunnel and they were pointing out all the little kids hoping to get some kisses in the dark tunnel. As they got closer to the tunnel they could hear a crackly version of “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” playing over old, crappy speakers. Rosie started giggling about the irony of the situation; riding through the Tunnel of Love with a guy she grew up with as they listened to same song that played as childhood friends fell in love with each other in a movie. Just as she was about to comment on this she felt something warm and smooth push against her lips. They were in the middle of the tunnel now so it was pitch black and she couldn’t see what this warm thing was. Then she could feel warm breath on her cheek. She instinctively pulled back as she realized the smooth warm something was Rob’s lips and he was kissing her.
“I’m sorry. I thought you were having fun tonight and that we had a connection” Rob started.
“I was having fun tonight and we do have a connection. We’ve known each other all our lives. We’re best friends. I mean – “
“I was out of line. That was unacceptable. I apologize. I will stay over here now.”
“No Rob, that’s not what I – “
“No, I understand. I’ll just take you home n– “ Rob was cut off by Rosie’s lips on his. After what seemed like a split second a disgruntled carnie was loudly clearing her throat signaling for them to get out of the boat.

And this is how the unstoppable couple Rob and Rosie came to be. 

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