Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Date with a Girl Hungry RM

My Date with a Girl Hungry RM
When I was a brand new freshman here at BYU Idaho I was walking to class and a guy walked up me and asked if I knew where the Taylor building was. Since that was the building I was headed to I told him he could just walk with me there. Now, hindsight being 20/20 I should have figured this guy was up to something because it was the third or fourth week of the semester and if you don’t know where buildings are by then you’re kind of a lost cause.
We talked for a little bit while we walked and I found out his name was Mike. When we got to the Taylor building he practically followed me to my classroom until I told him I had to go. He asked if I would go to dinner with him that night and I told him I was hanging out with a friend. I was actually going out on a date with a different guy that night but Mike didn’t need to know that. Anyway, he looked really sad and upset about it so I said maybe we could go out the next day. I made the horrible mistake of giving him my number so we could figure out the details of our date. The second my class ended Mike texted with various questions, trying to get to know me. I humored him for about half an hour and then told him I had to get my homework done. He left me alone for about twenty minutes before he started texting again and they came like bullets, not waiting for me to respond before sending another one. After about an hour of him doing this I told him that if he didn’t stop texting me I wouldn’t be able to get my homework done and then I would be too busy to go out with him tomorrow. That kept him quiet for about an hour.
That evening on my date I just turned off my phone so it wouldn’t go off every five seconds. When I got home from that date I went to sleep without reading any of the texts Mike sent. The next morning I had a 7:45 class so I was up before any of my other roommates and I finally read all Mike’s texts while I ate breakfast. Towards the end I nearly choked on my cereal. Are you kidding me?! Why would you tell someone that! One of his last texts said “I intend to make you my girlfriend.” What the crap!!! You don’t say that to people unless you want to drive them away! I put my empty bowl in the dishwasher and left for class musing about how I might respond.
As I got to class I decided not to respond. Later that day he asked if I wanted to go to the movies on our date. Actually, he did ask so much as tell me we were going to the movies. I was freaking out a little bit because I’m this little girl barely out of high school and I was going to be in a dark place for two or more hours with this guy I didn’t know from Adam. Do you see my train of thought? So I asked my roommate if she would come to the movie and sit behind me to save me if the guy tried anything. She agreed to do that but then Mike texted saying the movie he wanted to see was no longer showing there. Phew, one bullet dodged.
I didn’t even want to go with the guy anymore but I didn’t have the heart and tell him that he was the creepiest guy I ever met so I decided to suck it up and go bowling with him. He said we should make it interesting and “bet” that whoever lost had to do something for the winner. That didn’t make me feel any better. Anyway, despite my best efforts I lost horribly. I asked him what he wanted and he said he had to think about it. I internally groaned as horrifying things flashed through my brain. He then wanted to take me to dinner and since it was only four o’clock I told him I wasn’t hungry yet. Not because I wanted to prolong this agony but because I felt that since I agreed to do dinner I figured he should get to buy me dinner. J
We started walking to “work up my appetite” and I noticed we were walking toward the temple. Oh, uh-uh gangster. That’s not happening. My older roommates had warned me not to go to the temple grounds with any guy unless I was serious about him. If this guy thought that he could get a girl who met him yesterday to go to the temple with him, he had another thing coming! So I made him stop at a bench explaining that I was tired from the day and didn’t want to walk all the way up there. So we stopped at the bench and started talking again. I found out that he came home from his mission a week before the semester started and I though Great, I’m going out with and RM that is just starving for some female interaction and I’m the injured gazelle he set his sights on. So at barely five o’clock I said that I was now ready for dinner so we went to the Crossroads and got some food.
Really I just wanted to get away from him as fast as I could in a polite manner. Running through my head was the joke my mom told about the girl going out one night with a guy on the golf team and asking for a kiss and getting as little peck, then going out with the quarter back of the football team and getting a little bit more of a kiss. Then the night after that she goes out with a new RM and he basically attacks her for a kiss. I was trying to get out of there before that happened. So as we finished eating I decided to dump some water of his little flame of hope that I would succumb to his fantasies and told him that I didn’t want to be his girlfriend. He got really pouty and spiteful and was very immature about hearing this news.
Assuming that I had concluded the date with that statement, I gathered my stuff, said goodbye and went on my way. However, the date was not finished in his mind and he followed me to the library where I went to print something off. He asked me if I would still do the thing he wanted and said that agreement was nullified. But Then I got curious and asked what he would have made me do. He muttered something about a nursery rhyme and I asked if he was going to have me recite some nursery rhyme to embarrass myself. He then started the nursery rhyme about two people sitting in a tree. You know, “John and Jane sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” I didn’t let him get to the spelling when I burst out with a guffaw of disbelief at this guy’s guts. To even bring it up now seemed ludicrous to me. He continued to follow me home and said that he was trying to be bad at bowling so I would win and that made me feel so much better because I knew just how awful I was, not being able to beat a guy trying to lose.
I’m glad to say he never texted or called me ever again but he did start bugging my roommate’s friend. I know I should feel bad for the guy but, and I know I’m going to hell for saying this, I mostly feel bad for the woman who got roped into marrying him.

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