Friday, November 20, 2015

Dating Post

I didn’t mean to lie to you guys, things just got busy. Here is the long awaited Dating Post.
In Greek there are four words for love: Storge, pillia, eros, and agape.
Storge is the love of a parent for their child. The love that makes you want to protect and care for them, to love them unconditionally.
Pillia is the love friends share, warm and close. It’s intimate, a brotherly kind of lofe.
Eros is romantic love. It’s physical and makes you longing to be together.
Agape is the kind of love related to charity, the pure love of Christ.
Have you ever heard the term Misattribution of affection? It means when you feel something – butterflies, heart races, shortness of breath, etc. – and you think it’s love. Sorry to break it to you but you might just have indigestion.
In class we related the 3 P’s of dating to the 3 Ps of fatherhood according to The Family:

You can find the Family Proclamation to the World here: Studies have found that men who take the responsibility to pay for the dates tend to be better providers in marriage and fatherhood. Things to think about; When paired off on a date the man should protect his date as he would his wife from media and other men. Studies have found that men who take the responsibility to pay for the dates tend to be better providers in marriage and fatherhood. Men who plan the dates tend to preside better in the home. For example a man who sets the pattern of planning activities can call the family to prayer or to the car to leave for a family event.
Casual dating is alive and well despite what you single folks might think. However you must be interested in a date, not a mate. The sole purpose of casual dating is NOT to find someone to date seriously. It’s just casual.
Some suggestions?
1.       Throw away the class slipper. Don’t get infatuated in finding that “one perfect fit.” There are many people that fit certain shoes, see a Payless if you need further explanation.
2.       Don’t wait for others to look for and find you.
a.       Lower the bar that men must jump over before you even consider them.
3.       Exercise faith and have courage in dating and marriage
a.       A good marriage comes from working through trials together, through experience
4.       Keep physical intimacy at an appropriate level as to enjoy being worthy to seal your commitment to each other in the temple.
a.       Too much intimacy too soon is not the Lord’s way.
5.       “Pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you”
a.       Pray for others when dating, not just yourself.
b.      Show through your actions what your priorities are and make sure family is one of them.
To help you in your dating endeavors here are 5 ideas for future dates:
1.       Make dinner together and play a board game
2.       Go to a play or comedy show together then get ice cream
3.       Go for a walk and talk together
4.       Volunteer or serve together
5.       Have a theme night where you eat the food of that culture and do an activity ie: Mexican night, Chinese night
Do you guys know the word “Propinquity?” This is the first filter applied when deciding on a mate. Basically it’s their nearness or you access to that person which influences wanting to marry that person.
There is a kind of equation regarding knowing a person and wanting to marry them. It’s called “The Know Quo.” It looks like this:

This is all I have to say about dating. If you find something else interesting to share, put it in a comment! 

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