Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ward Talent Show

Derrick in Chealsey's coat

Daniel and Stevie (I don't know who the middle girl is)
performing Silent Night in sign language

Daniel and Chris in their awesome sweaters

Derrick's perfectly balanced soda can

Some of our ward in line for food

Eugene doing some mind-trick numbery thing that ends up with him being everyone's hero

Kate singing a song
There were a lot of acts that I couldn't get a good picture of. There was one where Tyrel, the executive secretary, pretended to be a dummy and made wise-cracks about the ward. Like the best couple (Or the couple with the most PDAs [Public Display of Affection]) which he said was Pat and Charmaine (my roommate and FHE bro.) I sang I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis and I could NOT breathe the whole time and I forgot some of the words. I don't think I did that well but everyone else said I did great. We got to eat pulled pork sandwiches and Ice cream sundaes. It was a good night!

1 comment:

  1. Hey--that guy stole my red sweater! And it looks better on him! JK. I would love to hear you sing!
