Friday, December 21, 2012

Finals Week

The penguin and socks were my Christmas present from Amber Brown.
        Sunday was like Chrismas three times; For sacrament meeting the choir and the whole ward got their chance to sing as a group. Thehen Chantel told me that she's getting a ride home with her parents in their big truck so I could send all my things home with her. (However, now that I'm home I realizeI left a lot of things undone...a cupboard of dishes unretrieved.) Then we had a Secret Santa amongst our apartment. I gave Ami a One Direction poster and a Mickey Mouse wind-up walkie-toy.
This is Stephan, me, and Chris.
       Chris, Stephan and I became friends one day after Book of Mormon class when we all stood looking out the glass doors and not wanting to go into the cold. We spent like 45 minutes just talking. We wanted one last Hurrah together before we all left; Stephan is leaving at the end of February to the Sophia, Bulgaria mission, Chris was going home for Christmas then coming back for the Winter semester, and I was going home and not returning until April for the Spring semester. We got together and went to Chris's place and made and ate lunch.
       That was a good week! I got my finals done and passed all my classes so I don't have to take them again! I was really worried about Math because I had a low D in that class but I used the grade evaluator calculator and found that I only needed a 20% on my final to get a D (which is a passing grade for foundation classes) in the class. I ended up getting a 68% on the test and a high D in the class! I'm happy. And best of all, I'm home! and get to sleep in and be lazy and catch up on things like blogging, Journal writing, and reading books! That's the kind of life I like. :)

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