Sunday, September 30, 2018

I Am

On Facebook, there was a GIFwith "I AM" and a bunch of different words flashing by underneath. This is the first one I got when I screenshot it was the one above; I am progressing.
     This particularly struck me because, although I have graduated from BYU-Idaho almost two years ago, I was still trying to figure out my place in the world. I had bounced from job to job for over a year and I still hadn't found what I wanted to do. Also, I was trying to strengthen my testimony, and working my way through another medical trial. So I was definitely progressing toward being a better, stronger, more efficient human being, citizen, and disciple.
On good days, I am killin' it, progressing and smiling, making others smile.

Although I don't realize it sometimes, I am a leader, an example and people will follow me. Therefore, I should be more conscious of my actions.

I don't think this about myself very often as I am the first to point out all my flaws. However, I will admit that I am pretty. Mostly because of who I am inside, despite my shortcomings.

I am capable of certain things, not everything, but certain things.

I AM creative. I write, I draw, I make up parodies. I'm creative.

I am deserving of a happy ending. Whether that means in that happy ending is in this life or the next, I feel deserving of one.

Not so much financially. But with smiles, with laughter, with friendship...yeah, I am

I LOVE kids. I feel like I will be a great mom when the day comes.

I do have some minor regrets but I am proud of myself and I am unapologetically a Disney and Harry Potter fan, a kid at heart, and a huge romantic.

I say "I win" when I accomplish small things or things that were difficult once. I win all the time. I'm winning.

I am temple worthy, I am worthy of a romantic relationship. I am worthy of happiness, I just need to chose it. 

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