Sunday, September 30, 2018

I Am

On Facebook, there was a GIFwith "I AM" and a bunch of different words flashing by underneath. This is the first one I got when I screenshot it was the one above; I am progressing.
     This particularly struck me because, although I have graduated from BYU-Idaho almost two years ago, I was still trying to figure out my place in the world. I had bounced from job to job for over a year and I still hadn't found what I wanted to do. Also, I was trying to strengthen my testimony, and working my way through another medical trial. So I was definitely progressing toward being a better, stronger, more efficient human being, citizen, and disciple.
On good days, I am killin' it, progressing and smiling, making others smile.

Although I don't realize it sometimes, I am a leader, an example and people will follow me. Therefore, I should be more conscious of my actions.

I don't think this about myself very often as I am the first to point out all my flaws. However, I will admit that I am pretty. Mostly because of who I am inside, despite my shortcomings.

I am capable of certain things, not everything, but certain things.

I AM creative. I write, I draw, I make up parodies. I'm creative.

I am deserving of a happy ending. Whether that means in that happy ending is in this life or the next, I feel deserving of one.

Not so much financially. But with smiles, with laughter, with friendship...yeah, I am

I LOVE kids. I feel like I will be a great mom when the day comes.

I do have some minor regrets but I am proud of myself and I am unapologetically a Disney and Harry Potter fan, a kid at heart, and a huge romantic.

I say "I win" when I accomplish small things or things that were difficult once. I win all the time. I'm winning.

I am temple worthy, I am worthy of a romantic relationship. I am worthy of happiness, I just need to chose it. 

August 16th 2018

On August 16th, 2018

Tonight, at Institute, Brother McDowell was talking about Joseph Smith and how he couldn't touch the plates unless he did not intend to use them for financial gain. He also went on to say that he and Hyrum planning to go to the west where Utah was going to be, but the Lord said to stay in Missouri and go like a sheep to slaughter to do you to be killed. And then I drew the similarity to Harry Potter. Such as, he could obtain The sorcerers Stone because he did not intend to use it he just wanted to keep other people from using it from for evil. Same thing with the older one and the invisibility cloak he. He had all three deathly hollows and he didn't intend to use them to become the master of death. Dumbledore knew that hairy had to die for Baltimore to die therefore he walked into the forest like a pig to the slaughter. I like drawing parallels like that but I didn't dare say it during our class that Institute distracting from the spirit.