Sunday, November 18, 2012


Our Pre-Thanksgiving Feast

Ami and melissa having a whipped cream fight

Them laughing at each other

Posing for me

Miishael, Lena, Courtland, Melissa, and Ami hiding their faces as I take a picture

Some of the Symphony I went with Ashlynd to see after the feast.
This is from Devotional when Kikuchi had Pres. Clark and
other officials sing with him, totally improvised.

This is my head lamp that fell to the floor one day and  shattered,
I fixed it with duck tape.
Duck tape is a colege kid's best friend.

Fully clothed in the Rockland pool

My pictures are still out of order! I think I figured it out though. Anyway, the bottom three happened first. Elder Kikuchi spoke three Tuesdays ago at devotional after the the choir sang the closing hymn, "Love at Home," Elder Kikuchi got up and said "Pres. Clark and the other officials are going to sing that with me now." So that's a picture of them around the pulpit singing. We heard Elder Kikuchi's "lovely" singing the most.

I use my flashlight to get ready in the morning so I don't wake Ami up as I grab my stuff. It slipped out of my zombie-like fingers one morning and shattered on the floor. So I put all the parts back in the right places and wrapped it in duck-tape. Viola! A redneck fix-it job! And it is perfectly functional!

Then, about the pool....One night I was doing homework and a bunch of people burst in our door and started having a dance party. Some of us joined them and we went to each girl in our ward's apartment and danced around. Daniel had a Nacho Libre mask and we all we wearing fun stuff. After we danced in all the apartments we went to Shake Out and danced around and Daniel and Nick asked two girls on dates! Then we went to Subway and danced. Then we went to Rockland and while some of us were getting shoes, they were getting the cover off the pool. Elizabeth and I couldn't figure out how to get in there and everyone else jumped in. When we finally got in I was hesitant to jump in the pool. But I ended up to doing it! That was a lot of fun. We made a whirl-pool and that was crazy!

            Our “feast” consisted of homemade applesauce, made by Katie, green beans, made by Charmaine, fruit salad, made by me, and pumpkin pie, broccoli and cheese soup, and lasagna, made by Ami. Oh then Katie’s friend brought over an apple pie. =D When we were getting whipped cream for the pie some dispute happened between Ami and Melissa.  Thus the whipped cream fight.

After that I went to a symphony concert with Ashlynd. There was this one part where they went from this calm relaxing music to the immediate crescendo and the speed changed and made Ashlynd and I jump.

            Then today was the Boise Temple rededication and it was broadcasted in the I-Center. That was so cool! I felt the spirit stronger that I ever had before. I actually felt the warmth spreading in my chest that others talk about. It was amazing! And now I am caught up! :)

Carving Pumpkins!

Carving pumpkins!

Charmaine and Pat's Pumpkin

One of our FHE sister's pumpkin...I think Melissa's

Amber, Nicole, and I with our pumpkin

Our pumpkin! He was supposed to have a mustache
but he was a little green thus hard to carve.
Sowe only carved one side of his
mustache and made it a smirk.
Derrick,Melissa, Ami, and Michael on our couch 
My first snow in Rexburg. It wasn't even Halloween yet.
I think it's Katie, Ami, Melissa, and I can't tell who the fourth girl is.
Posing for a picture while I'm inside and warm
Charmaine giving me a thrumbs up

Me in front of the Haunted Mill sign

Catching snow on their tongues

Sister eager covered in lables for a Child Development Presentation

Alex's awesome attire (see my alliteration?)  Sorry it's sideways!

Catching up! So the night we carved pumpkins for FHE Chris came in all late. Charmaine and Pat had started early because it was "a process that took a long time." Anyway they got done while the rest of us were playing the game. The game involved a large pile of candy in the middle of the circle and two bowls with a pair of dice going around the circle. If you rolled doubles or a 7 you got to grab some candy. After the pile was gone everyone who got double or a 7 couldv say anyone's name and ask for a candy that had been in the middle. If they had that candy they would give it up. I got a kingsize Twix and Almond joy out of it! Any way, this was after they had been boyfriend and girlfriend for about a week or two. So anyway they were holding hands and being love birdish while the rest of us were being crazy playing the candy game. Anyway, we started carving pumpkins and Chris comes home from Utah and we ask him to tell us about how he proposed. He is so cute and romantic. That girl is so lucky. Anyway, That was on Monday and Wednesday was Halloween which is when Alex wore his awesome suit. We were learning about bilingualism in Child Development so Sister eager has notecards in English and Spanish stuck on the body parts written. It snowed the tuesday right before Halloween but my pictures like to be all out of order. I'll figure it out eventually!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Gotta Catch Up!

Pat and I ready for the ball

Ashlynd and I before a comedy show

Aunt Tammie's Package contents

Showing off Aunt Tammie's hat

At Shake Out at midnight with Brittany (Amber's friend),
Daiana, Amber, and Charmaine

Me in the Shake Out picture

The Rexburg Temple at 9am

Derrick (one of my FHE bros) in his awesome Perry the Platypus shirt

Chris and Pat; My FHE bros/home teachers

My mysterious cupcake box. Someone should confess to this eventually

My Roommates! Me, Dianna, Katie, Ami, Amber, and Charmaine

Ross is a boy in my ward. He was my first date while here on campus.
He used to make me smile but that time is passed. :j
Me and My roommates acting goofy!
Hi everyone! Since Google hates me personally, I couldn't retrieve my password. However, as my motto is Adapt and Overcome, I waited for a night where I didn't have homework ruling over me to create a new profile and my password will not go missing ever again! So, I have some serious catching up to do! It might take some time but I'll get there! So, all the pictures above are regarding my OTHER blog. Well, not ALL of them. But you get the idea.
My other blog said this after the pictures of my roommates (Some events I talked about ARE pictured.) And on my other blog that Google wouldn't allow me to access again this was my post:
This is going to be my journal while I'm here at college. I'll insert pictures when I can but this what I've done so far; scraped my knee while ripping a hole in my jeans, got connected, went shopping with Jeanni and Cynthia, went to I-Night, met my ward, went to FHE, went on a date, watched some movies, went shopping with Laura, went to comedy night, went to watch the Mormon Tabernacle choir, auditioned for Comic Frenzi, auditioned for a talent show, and watched a talent show. Oh and did homework and went to class. :) I should carry my camera with me more often. I'll take pictures and tell things in more detail from this point on, okay? Good.
This is my popcorn bag where a kernal POPPED THOUGH the bag.
I thought it was exciting. :)