Friday, June 22, 2018

Well Hello There Stranger!

It has come to my attention that I have readers again. Therefore, I have decided to start posting new entries. But I wasn’t sure where to begin so I’m treating it like a journal until another thought strikes me. Also, I have realized I want to start writing again and figured this would be the best way to start.
As this is mostly a journal, I’m using pictures from my phone to measure momentous moments in my life. (See what I did there?)
Starting with….

Getting Dane ready for the Halloween Dance. My parents were out of the country (Ireland I think…) So I was getting Dane ready. He was gonna be a lame sauce and not dress up at all so I suggested going as a Ladies Man. He could wear regular clothes and then just let me kiss him all over his face with different shades of lipstick and mess up his hair. The result:

Sorry it’s a bit blurry
His costume was probably the best one there.

One day I was driving home from work and came across this:
When I was driving TO work I came across this:
Then I went to Hawaii with my family after Shay returned from his mission on the 1st of December.
Me Eating a Dole Whip at the
Dole Plantation  

The headband made by some "villagers" at the
Polynesian Culture Center

Mom and Dad at the Luau in the PCC

Noble and Megan at the Luau

Shay and Dane at the Luau

Polynesian Santa outside the Polynesian Culture Center

Catching the wave while body surfing