Saturday, June 22, 2013

Time Models

        Hey guys! Sorry it's been a long time. Well I'm going to deviate from what I've done in the past and this is Devree's deviations so that's okay! Anyway, I came to present the idea of times models to you all today.

         Actually, only one of those time models values clocks and schedules. That time model is Linear-Separable time.
Linear Separable Time

This is the kind of time model most successful business follow. It is also the prominent time model in the United States and most countries of the world. Linear-separable time involves clocks, schedules, calendars, and deadlines.
Linear means "in a line" so just like a time line, there's a past, present a future. Here's a little clip about industries and linear time.
 Procedural-Traditional Time
        The next kind of time model is Procedural-Traditional time. Procedural Traditional is also called event time. This means that the event is more important than the time spent doing it. Some people joke that Mormons live by event time called "Mormon Standard Time."

Procedural time mean that getting things done correctly and to the best of your ability, or when the condition is right,  is more important than punctuality. A lot of people believe that Latinos live by event time because they seem to party all through the night.
This idea of time is also adopted by crafters, quilters, and anyone else who values the quality of products more than the quantity of products.

Circular-Traditional Time
Circular time is exactly what he lived in Groundhog Day; the belief that today will be like yesterday and tomorrow will be more of the same. This kind of thinking could be felt when in school, by people of poverty, and by factory workers. Although there isn't any hard evidence of it, I believe that people with amnesia belong to Circular time too.

I thought all of these pictures were pretty funny and the don't all relate to amnesia but this does:
Do you remember the scene of Fifty First Dates where they explain Lucy's condition? They have to recreate things everyday so that she can live her father's birthday every single day. Do you think circular time would be her life? Every day the same.
These are the three areas of time and what kind of people adopt them. Now I have a question
 for all of you: Which time model do you think you fall under?
Tell me what you think in the comments please! Thank you!